Aims and Objectives

The School is committed to ensure all round development of a student’s personality. Our endeavour is to make our students fully conscious of the changing structure of our society. Our aims are :
(a) To recognize, encourage and polish talents of all kinds with an effort to stretch the creative capacity of students.
(b) To stimulate the concept of learning as a life long process.
(c) To stimulate intellectual curiosity, encourage clear thinking and perception and to pursue the objective of problem solving.
(d) To foster habits of responsibility, tolerance, goodwill and brotherhood.
(e) To build character, physical fitness and mental robustness.
(f) To develop intellectual and aesthetic faculties.
(g) To build self confidence in children belonging to economically weaker sections of society and also physically handicapped children.
(h) To inculcate the principles of secularism and social equality in them.
(i) To guide them to uphold the unity, integrity and honour of the Nation.
Above all, as a special aim, to inculcate self discipline, integrity and morality in the young minds of the future citizens of India.